1. On derived D-modules: coming soon

University Projects

  1. Master’s thesis: Derived moduli spaces of G-bundles. Written in Orsay under the supervision of Benjamin Hennion.
  2. Bachelor’s thesis: Analytic functions on p-adic fields. Written in Padua under the supervision of Maurizio Cailotto.

Random Notes1

  1. Notes on the vertex algebra structure on chiral differential operators on an algebraic groups. Written in Orsay for the M2 advanced course Introduction to Vertex Algebras by Anne Moreau.
  2. Notes on Grothendieck topologies. Written in Padua for the Scuola Galileiana’s course Introduction to category theory by Riccardo Colpi.
  3. Notes on Spectral Sequences. Written in Padua for the master course Topology 2 by Andrea D’Agnolo.

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