- On derived D-modules: coming soon
University Projects
- Master’s thesis: Derived moduli spaces of G-bundles. Written in Orsay under the supervision of Benjamin Hennion.
- Bachelor’s thesis: Analytic functions on p-adic fields. Written in Padua under the supervision of Maurizio Cailotto.
Random Notes1
- Notes on the vertex algebra structure on chiral differential operators on an algebraic groups. Written in Orsay for the M2 advanced course Introduction to Vertex Algebras by Anne Moreau.
- Notes on Grothendieck topologies. Written in Padua for the Scuola Galileiana’s course Introduction to category theory by Riccardo Colpi.
- Notes on Spectral Sequences. Written in Padua for the master course Topology 2 by Andrea D’Agnolo.
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